Article blog (outliers parte 1)

Article blog (outliers parte 1)

Let’s have a look at our battle plan. Part 1: A gentle introduction to outlier detection Part 2: Algorithms and implementations Part 3: Model deployment in production with Docker and AWS (S3, ECR, SageMaker) Let’s jump into Part 1: A gentle introduction to outlier...
Article blog

Article blog

ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) measurement emerges as one of the hot topic recently as the increasing interest to investment professionals globally. The assessment given by ESG rating provides information to market participants about the quality of a...
Article blog

Article blog

ESG is currently a hot topic, very hot indeed. Awareness, regulation, and economical returns are clearly shifting perspectives…. However, ESG management requires a lot more information to ensure relevant actions, as indeed management comes with measurement. As such,...